

  Music Is A Twister! Here it comes... My earnest prayer for you... I wish you God’s wisdom, knowledge and understanding as you navigate through these vestiges of life. I was conceived in mystery. Every time God breathes, a woman delivers new life into this world.... I am the miracle of God’s breath! Hello. In case you did not know this. Life begins with a song and a dance. A tiny seed dances with the prized egg in a most intimate swan dance ever known to men. This serenade to life, is the longest 100m dash no man can ever achieve from this side of Heaven. Hey, look... It even gets more fascinating and interesting to watch this longest cheek-to-cheek dance... stretching over nine months. All life begins with a song and a dance at the impact of conception. From a tiny bubbling blob into a progressive finest masterpiece of art... never to be realized even in the days of Picasso and Rembrandt. Music is a twister... God’s divine finger of art... Artists of ...


  If I May... I Might! If life was as smooth and sleeveless as far as my mind could stretch... everything would be achievable in a blink of an eye. If seeing was as good as receiving without believing everything would not be farthest from possession . While possession plays a bigger role in our demanding daily lives... everything is not everything in all things to keep our hearts beating. If I may... I might! It is heart-breaking to always see life necessities from unapproachable distance. I can figure out what I want... But sometimes, what I want is just another distant star! If I may... I might! Struggling to barely survive... is one giant conundrum of our existence. If my dream world was habitable... I would remain in my comatose state forever. If I may... I might! Strangely, things look more realistic in our dreams than what they really are. Waking up from a serious dream is like watching your whole life washed away in a storm. If I may... I might! ...


 Looking Back! Life, O life... Why are you so divisive? Why do you keep on pledging a better tomorrow with every sunrise? Why do you always promise a brighter future at every sunset camouflaged as the affirming smiling full moon? After all these decades, I have yet to live; to see a day where I could realize all my forward steps in real time. It’s hard to be precise and accurately put my best foot forward when Time aggressively ticks away with each breath I take. Would my life as a human being be better off if I had a swivel neck like an owl? Would it matter still if I continued my journey with my eyes forever fixated on all the wrong steps already taken. Looking back is nothing but the metaphor of what our lives could have been if Heaven had granted all our fairy-tale wishes. Looking back over my shoulders... is the only thing I know in this life! Life Is a mystery wrapped up in the inescapable trappings in our lives which nobody will ever get to understand right to the grave. Ju...


Finding My Heart! I was conceived in a heartbeat and got delivered through a pulsating life-giving force. Life, like the rapidly approaching sun-rays heralding a brand-new day... my sun rose up one summer day. The sun-rays of life approached my sweet mother hours before my water broke. Her birth pangs like the natural wildfire destroying the whole vegetation ahead the summer breaking into unbelievable green. I emerged on the other side of labouring pains, tears and cries for life...and so I was born into these shores. I interrupted my sweet mother for the longest time of her life. Nine months in total. Without her sacrifice I wouldn’t be talking to you today. This woman gave me my heartbeat. I owe all my sunshine and my sunset to her. Now. I have seen, felt and warmed by different smiles a million times over in my life. Believe me when I say to you... Nobody could smile as beautiful as my sweet mother. Her embracing smile remains forever rooted inside my heart a...


  Life Is A Teacher! After trudging through this rough forest of life for decades. I find myself standing on the edge of time. Yes indeed. I have crossed dangerous rivers and valleys... climbed hills and mountains. I have defied the laws of gravity when it comes to free-falling insanity. Somehow after going through impalpable and debilitating emotional traumas... It is a miracle beyond human contemplation... to find my feet still firmly dug into the ground. I am still standing. There is nothing as fulfilling for life explorers to finally find themselves... looking and staring at their illusive horizons. We spend our lifetime logged in a search mode. This desire of wanting to know... to see whatever is looming around the corner. Who said curiosity killed the cat? Our survival as humans would have ended thousands of millenniums ago... if there was no curiosity in our souls. I live, survive, and walk daily amid eight billion souls. God knows the batch numbe...