
Showing posts from September, 2022

The Point Of Grace!

  The Point Of Grace! The history of mankind is littered with amazing stories of men who experienced and met their Point of Grace head on. Unfortunately, some rebellious men missed God’s Midnight Cry in their final hour this side of Heaven and paid dearly. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God being unreconciled with Him. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the Judgment. Just like in our race to life at conception, God blessed us with His Grace culminating into our glorious birth on these earthly shores. The Point of Grace is the Day of Reckoning when God draws the final line for the sinner to choose between Life and Death: Light or Darkness! This line is a border where the man is granted the final chance to repent before Eternity Curtains descend upon him! The Point of Grace is God’s Final Clarion Call for man to repent from his sins. Our God is the God of Justice and the One True God! Come on Home, this is your last chance to...


    SYDNEY'S WISDOM CHEST 1.0! The distance between Heaven and Earth is only a hairsbreadth away. Our lives and understanding are determined by and limited to the Laws of Physics: our world is our prison. We're forever inhibited as the atomic creatures... our knowledge of God has inadvertently reached its zenith point. Man’s obsession with remote space he cannot occupy is as old as life. Old Lucifer in all his matchless glory still desired to occupy just one more space: the Throne of the Almighty God! His covetous sin to go one step higher than the God who created him became his eternal destruction! King David after conquering and having conquered, had no more wars to prove his iconic pedigree of all conquests in war history of Israel... still inexplicably and surprisingly; he killed his faithful soldier Uriah, and stole his wife. David, if you needed a dozen more wives, I'd have given them to you, God lamented David's fall from Grace! Greed is not a lack of any...

Everyday Jesus For Everyday People!

  Everyday Jesus For Everyday People! Everyday Jesus was funnier than you'll ever care to know! The Man from Galilee had a great sense of humour, dig a little into the Scriptures and you'll find out... let me help you a bit! What shall I liken this generation? They are like little children sitting at the marketplace calling unto their fellows... we played pipes for you, and you didn't dance; we mourned unto you, and you didn't weep! Though funny as this may have sounded, Jesus was dead serious about how disappointed He was with the disbelief He found in the cities where even more miracles were performed. You see, common people were the lifeblood of the Everyday Jesus... nothing moved His heart with compassion more than when He saw people with needs and trapped inside the quagmire of sin! Everyday Jesus for Everyday People! I came to seek and to find the lost everyday people. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life... I have a burning compassion for the outcasts, ...


  I LOVED THE MAN! Just where do I begin to tell about my Epic Story with The Man from Galilee; is deeper than I can reach? The Man showed up from nowhere one bright morning. My fishing partners and I, John and James; were busy washing and sorting our nets after toiling the whole night without a single catch! The man just boarded our ship and asked us to thrust into the sea a little bit; then sat down and taught the crowds. The Man had such a commanding voice with authority I've never heard from the lips of any man! It was not surprising for us to quickly obey without asking questions. By this time, my partners and I had stopped washing our tired nets as we joined the crowd and listened to this Incredible Man. Every word the Man uttered came out powerfully and reverberated with the Truth, never heard before. Launch out into the deep and cast your nets for a draught, said the Man after teaching the crowds. We looked at each other in disbelief since it was already late to fis...

It is Finish!


Looking Into Me!

    Looking Into Me! Last night I went to bed quite early at eight, a very unusual time for me to hit the sack. Anyway, there I was, sleeping soundly and occasionally snoring when suddenly; my brain nudged me to wake up. What time is it, I talked with myself? It's zero minutes at Midnight, September 18 th ... the clock in my phone replied! Ouch, why wake me up this early? Hello, today it’s your Birthday, remember… it’s your Birthday? Oh yea, now I remember… wow, look at how Beautiful Darkness is, and what Serenading Peace there is all around! It’s great feeling great so early in the morning. Happy Birthday Sydney! Today I’m going to do my best not to worry about anything, be very patient and forgiving to all those around me! How can I feel otherwise after my mother had waited patiently for nine long months? I was born on a Friday hence I’m going to be happy and let it all hang out till someone says: Hey, what’s wrong with you, been smiling all day long? Looking int...


  My African Greetings to all my Friends Across the Globe! Matthew 11:25 At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. I don't have a church and don't have the so-called armour bearers who wait on me as if I'm one of them Hollywood Stars! I am not one of them populist preachers, who are recognised by their voices, social influences and wealth. I do not stand out in a crowded wall or auditorium. People don't hold their breaths and beat their chests counting themselves lucky and blessed to have crossed their paths with mine. I'm glad and thank God for keeping me Incognito and use me as His Secret Laboratory: where the Spirit whispers into my heart, things never heard even inside the corridors of the famous mega churches! To Jesus my Lord and Saviour, I'm only His baby who depends on and learn from Him; how to talk...

Reality TV Lollipops!

  Reality TV Lollipops! Life and Death are Life’s Only Two Realities, everything else lies in between! We're born to live and live to die! You are doomed if you don't know this. It has never dawned in the minds of men, that our Physical Life on Earth was designed by God to depreciate according to our Countdown Scale of Life. Our very growth from day one when we took our very first breath, was the Beginning of this Inherent Life Countdown expressed in the number of our heartbeats we count in human years! Would you believe me if I told you, that our heartbeats and breaths never accumulate as we grow older but rather become lesser and weaker by the day? Great Philosophy of Life, Sydney! Nah, it's just plain hard-core facts! Your heartbeats do not grow exponentially stronger to the size of your maturing body! Hello, all the hairs and whatnots your body germinated when you reached puberty had been locked inside your body from conception. Your mouth was created to s...


HEAVEN AGREES WITH ME! Faithful is He that Calleth you, who also will do it. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the Affairs of this Life; that he may please Him who hath Chosen him to be a Soldier. I have never been a soldier in my life, but I know for sure, that absolute Obedience and Dedication to the cause; is required without reservations in order for one to Serve in the Army. You can never be an accomplished decorated service man if you do not respect and follow the orders of your Seniors! Self-Denial is the only way to becoming a fully-fledged Soldier with Honours! Serving God thru the Teaching of His Word, demands I forget about self and commit 100% to Jesus who has enlisted me as His Soldier. Sydney, please tell us just how God called you? Well, if you talking about me, I'm not going to give you any drama of untruths laced with colourful lies. I have never had any vision nor had Angel’s bringing God's Message to me. I never had any dream purporting ...


  LET THE REDEEMED OF THE LORD SAY SO! O give thanks unto the LORD, for He is Good: for His Mercy endureth forever. Let the Redeemed of the LORD Say So, whom He hath Redeemed from the hand of the enemy; And gathered them out of the Lands, from the East, and from the West, from the North, and from the South. Let the Redeemed of the LORD Say So!   Raise your hand and shout, Glory to God if the LORD has Redeemed you from the Four Corners of this wicked World. Perhaps you’re one of them fools who thinks there’s no God! There’s no man under the Sun who believes in nothing! O Taste and See that the LORD is Good: Blessed is the man that trusts in Him. Let the Redeemed of the LORD Say So! Come on now, just let it all hang out for God! Look all around you, and if you can see the Sun, Stars and the Moon and feel the love that surrounds you every day… Place your hand over your chest and feel your heart beating.. what about the Singing Birds, the Beautiful Escarpments? I am no...