
Showing posts from January, 2023


At The Final Judgment Day! The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted His Way upon the earth. And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and behold I will destroy them with the earth. After the Fall of Adam in the Garden of Eden, sin entered the world and destroyed God’s Fellowship with men. God subsequently destroyed the first two worlds. The world of Adam and Noah was destroyed by the Floods in Noah’s days. Then the LORD destroyed the world of Lot with fire in Sodom and Gomorrah. Even though Lot survived the Fiery Judgment in Sodom and Gomorrah, his two sons-in-law didn’t believe his preaching. They also perished in the fire. Lot, now only left with his two daughters after his wife looked back at Sodom and immediately turned into a sand dune of salt. Noah lived in a cave w...


No One Knows! While most Christians think and believe the way they have church in their denominations is Heaven-endorsed. Do you really know God’s position regarding your life in your church? O God, Christians living in a free world have no idea of all the hardships and persecutions suffered by our Brethren around the world . What persecutions? If God be on our side who can stand against us? Really? What idiots. Most of what we call praise and worship in our churches may come as a surprise if I told you it’s not the same case in Heaven. We sing, we clap, we dance and even cry and feel like God is fulfilled just because we have reached our crescendo as humans. For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen. O God beside thee, what He hath prepared for him that waiteth for Him. No one knows. No men have heard rumours nor perceived by ear and saw by eye what God has prepared for those who wait for Him! The m...


  Let The Children Play! We all once tasted and lived in the world of dreams. The only world where fantasy and reality collided in a tender embrace. As kids we dreamed nonstop for straight 24 hours. Time couldn’t limit or tie us down. Parents struggled with our explosive energy every single day. Everything about and around us, had to do with speed. Time didn’t matter to us kids. We did not have this incredible energy just because we ate too much. No, no. We were hyped up and always ready to rumble because it was in our blood. Our blood particles were thicker than those found in grown-ups. Now that I mentioned it. I believe the blood in our anatomy thins out as we get older. This then explains the reasons why kids have more energy to burn than adults. Speed and energetic pace is just like simple breathing in the life of a kid. Walking barefoot under a scorching sun is just one of them ordinary days. Hey kid, aren’t your feet burning in this crazy hot day? Where are y...


  Lulu Makalima My Goddess!I I have seen many people come and go in my life. Well, it goes without saying that yes. I was extremely amused and relieved to see the backs of some. Inversely, the very same thing could be said about and against me when others were to reflect about their yesteryears. Even though I thrived to do my best in accommodating everyone including my nemesis.. there’s always someone out there in a corner who couldn’t and wouldn’t stand my presence.. A give and take situation life is. Different strokes for different folks. Sometimes at worse what you see is not what you always get. Jeez! Why do I sometimes end up with eggs on my face after sowing all these seeds of love? Oh no, this ain’t fair, come on now! But when it comes to talking about my late big sister from the other mother. Lulu was just pure bliss and fun the very first day we met in our corporate world. Lulu gave me the widest smiles I’ve ever received from anyone in this world of hate. ...


  Death By Suicide! Medical Science has scored major breakthroughs regarding how the human brain functions over the glorious recent past. Scientists also discovered how to precisely plot and identify specific parts of the brain which isolate and activate our individual five senses. Remarkable, isn’t it? Death by suicide is one of the darkest malaise hidden inside the human brain. Almost all known chronic diseases are detectable and manageable in their earliest stage except suicide. By my own estimate, I believe at least about 50% of all suicide tendencies are detectable; only if people closest paid enough attention. There are always suspicious tell-tale signs of visible self-isolation and the lack of enthusiasm to survive. Suicide victims always pronounce their suicidal intentions in a jest and immediately pretend to be joking when we become apprehensive and agitated. There are million reasons why  humans decide to end their own lives. Signs are figuratively ...


My Future My Destiny! My name is Caroline. I landed on these earthly shores some eighteen years ago. After nine months of free falling and roller-coasting inside my Mother’s womb, I finally touched down in this world below in one piece. My Dear Mother was always there to tender and look after me from the moment my lungs opened up as I breathed for the very first time. Her sweet smile and loving eyes assured me, it’ll be alright my baby… I will care for you and land you safely into your childhood. I was loved and secured inside her warm and tender embrace. As a baby, I’ve had to crawl my way up into childhood where I learned to stand tall unassisted. Kindergarten, how can I forget this great university of life where I learned to count and to write my name. I began to learn about the value of time during my first year of schooling. Eating well, sleeping early and waking up on time: became my Mother’s priority for me. I was the one growing up but would have been harder...


  JESUS: Trending Yesterday, Today And Forever! AD 1, PALESTINE.. HOT OFF The PRESS… BREAKING NEWS! And again He entered into Capernaum after some days; and it was noised that He was in the house. And straightway many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no, not so much as about the door: and He preached the Word unto them. Don’t you find it very strange, that even though Jesus Christ is the most visible and popular figure around the world today; with many claiming to be the men of God… only a few can still identify with the Real Jesus of the Cross? Jesus was surrounded by His Disciples at all times and yet, not many people could tell a Peter from a John. Why? Because the crowds were fascinated by all the Good News following Jesus everywhere. The crowds of Capernaum in Palestine, published these true rumours that Jesus was seen entering a certain house. And before Jesus could even open His mouth to preach, the house was pack...


Reflections...  O for the Power of the Written Word! It only takes a single word or two to build a castle in the air. I cannot thank God enough for blessing me with endless words I can configure into any form at any time of the day.  In this Poetic Love Rendition, I leave it up to you, my reader, to make up your mind. What in God's world I'm on about. Enjoy!  If you've been reading my works for all this time without subscribing, you should be ashamed of yourself! If you feel my writings build you up and encourage you in life, what are you still doing?  Subscribing to my Blog and sharing it with your friends; is the greatest favour I will ever ask of you. I spend a great deal of time and sweat when writing these words of life, just for you. I'm not complaining my friend.  God bless you.  Through Her Eyes! The way she smiles and the way she walks, all designed to fascinate and mesmerize my cool. The way she talks and her royal looks which say, I am all ...