

Over The Years Cliché’s Same old same old, cried the old veteran farmer! Crops seem to get worse and worse over these ever-drying seasons. Time flies past and unnoticed as the fast-moving clouds’ flight from the ensuing stormy weather. The old farmer would have been better prepared for all the advancing adverse weather, well ahead of time, had God given him the wisdom of the fast-flying clouds. But alas, this old farmer relies on the twenty-four-hour cycle wisdom: where luck is as illusive as the eclipsing moon. Over the years like this old veteran farmer, I worked and worked thinking my labouring toils were productive and carving a sealed future for myself: only to discover I was only building castles on the beach just for the advancing waves to level the sands again as it were! I frowned with an aching heart as these over the years clichés began to bite and gnawed into my dear soul jilted by the unforgiving arms of time. I hurt. Over the years this old Professor chased the ...


(Standing) Big Brother: Fanyana T. Gutyungwa 07/07/53 - 26/06/2018 THE FINAL EIGHT HOURS…BEFORE MIDNIGHT! I have a million memories I can share with the world, on the amazing journey with my Big Brother. My Brother was everything in my world, since it was through his very eyes that got mine opened, to all the reality in my empty and infantile one, this was the beginning…and the opening of the bigger window…..for me to peek. My Brother forced me to learn, even though betimes I didn’t want to do anything of the lessons, he deemed important for me to survive in this cruel world. You see my Brother woke up one day in his youthful world: with demands faster than his young mind could process, and at the same time learn to apply these non-existent skills. He leaped into adulthood, even before he had time enough to finish his youthful race. T here was no better moral teacher available for me to learn from, than my Brother: blood for blood, he beat any renown teacher thru proximity and fa...


  Dazzling Unassuming! Kedibone Francis Seboya 02/12/53 - 26/07/21 I was just a young orphaned boy who had his eyes fixated to his big brother, for safekeeping and direction in a life who-knows-where-to-go. I trusted and followed my brother everywhere he went: never questioned his judgment or authority because he was my lord. It was through my big brother I got to meet my Big Sister, Kedi. One windy morning my brother had a breakdown right up the corner in our street. I went to help with his motor tricycle. then a sudden upsurge of wind toppled the carrier and landed on his ankle. I felt very bad for failing to see this accident coming as he grimaced with pain.   This one bad morning landed  my poor brother in hospital. He needed an emergency operation to be able to walk again. Well, like they say: there's a silver lining in every dark cloud.   My brother was just about to find out and discover this hidden gem behind the staff nurse's uniform. Wh...


  Well, after pushing myself to the limit galloping like a stallion on steroids for almost two years: my body had to stop me from killing myself. From 2020 I ran the whole yard and pushed unhindered way deep into 2021, writing, writing and writing nonstop till my brains screamed: Memory Full! I thank God for giving me the wisdom to listen to my body, because, believe it or not: our bodies have a voice and you need to acquaint yourself by paying attention because therein lies your strength you need to survive another day. I need to take care of my body because if I abuse it by dragging it despite all the screams: Stop It, it will simply eject me and all my time on earth will be over in seconds. Well, what happened? I didn't just die since it was still way ahead of my earthly days and years the Good Lord hath afforded me in order to run and finish the whole race of my life. Did you know that there are times even God in all His Glory, cannot stop you from killing yourself? Oh really? ...


DEATH FOR EACH SEASON! Man was designed and created by God,  to be Happy All The Time in One Time. By nature, man was immune to pain and sorrows  because they never existed in God's World where Adam lived. There were no Four Seasons in Adam's world.  Every single day was nothing but bliss, in this man's life.  No rain, no rough and destructive climes.  Only Sunrise and Sunset of Paradise.   Sin kicked man out of the Garden of God:  and yes, thru sin came all life's headaches. Separation from God separated man  from the good life God had intended for him. When Adam left Eden to the world of pain outside:  he still had his soulful nature enamoured  to the beautiful Paradise left behind.  Death and Dying did not form the part.  His shattered life was made up for all the good  which was destroyed by his sin. It is for this reason; I make my case against King Solomon's dark take on life.  To everything there is...


  A Sister With A Heart Of Gold! Gold is mentioned eleven chapters earlier: and listed over a hundred times more:  the first and last to be mentioned than Silver in the Holy Bible.  Heaven has more use for Gold than Silver. Heaven is Golden! I have a Sister with a heart of Gold:  Like Gold, she'll never know her worth.  Heaven's streets are paved with Gold  and yet Gold has never been told.  She'll never ever discover who she really is. Gold was designed and made by God: first to last and to end last than all the other minerals:  her worth is priceless and everlasting. I have a Sister with a heart of Gold:  Like Gold, she'll never know her worth.  Designed and made by God:  first to last and to end last than all her siblings Growing up as an orphan early in my life: losing my mother was the hardest blow  any boy-child could ever bear. I thought and felt hopelessly motherless,  until my Sister with her heart of ...


  My Tears In His Bottle When I was born, mama cried tears of's been a long and a painful nine months of up’s & down for her. It's hard for me to fathom all the changes mama went thru, while her blood and hormones struggled to adjust to my arrival. I thank God for mama, we both cried tears of joy when my lungs opened for the 1st time! She felt the warmth and the freshness of her new baby boy tears. Heaven rejoiced, as the Archangel joyfully announced my birth and arrival to these earthly shores! My guardian angel was deployed the moment I was conceived! Little did I know that the tears I cried were a prelude of all the many tears I'd need to go thru all my life's struggles. God's been collecting and bottling all the tears I cried from my very first day! He been my Lighthouse in a stormy sea and Pillar of Fire in my darkest days. He stood by my bedside when I was sick and never left me till I got well...friends, family & foes forsook me...