Over The Years Cliché’s Same old same old, cried the old veteran farmer! Crops seem to get worse and worse over these ever-drying seasons. Time flies past and unnoticed as the fast-moving clouds’ flight from the ensuing stormy weather. The old farmer would have been better prepared for all the advancing adverse weather, well ahead of time, had God given him the wisdom of the fast-flying clouds. But alas, this old farmer relies on the twenty-four-hour cycle wisdom: where luck is as illusive as the eclipsing moon. Over the years like this old veteran farmer, I worked and worked thinking my labouring toils were productive and carving a sealed future for myself: only to discover I was only building castles on the beach just for the advancing waves to level the sands again as it were! I frowned with an aching heart as these over the years clichés began to bite and gnawed into my dear soul jilted by the unforgiving arms of time. I hurt. Over the years this old Professor chased the ...