COMMENTS... Even before this narrative I had already discarded about six others complete with verses and selected music. The old self in me always shows up when I'm not truly convinced my heart is in-sync with the Spirit. For some unknown reasons I kept this narrative in my delete box, to be considered later either for keeps or delete. Wow, then I listen to it again and instantly changed my mind. Sometimes, the fallible being in me shows up and causes me to doubt and ask questions... Why in the world do I bother and do this! On the flip side of the same coin, it'd be easier for me to just hang up my pen and beat it into oblivion.. But my heart, won't let me be just as ordinary as I'd like to be. My heart and soul, all sold up to God! Only God knows why I must bother this world with these Thoughts and Words. Hello, it no longer bothers me one iota, if my audience stands aloof and never engages me about all these narratives. I'm nothing but cool banana...