DEATH FOR EACH SEASON! Man was designed and created by God, to be Happy All The Time in One Time. By nature, man was immune to pain and sorrows because they never existed in God's World where Adam lived. There were no Four Seasons in Adam's world. Every single day was nothing but bliss, in this man's life. No rain, no rough and destructive climes. Only Sunrise and Sunset of Paradise. Sin kicked man out of the Garden of God: and yes, thru sin came all life's headaches. Separation from God separated man from the good life God had intended for him. When Adam left Eden to the world of pain outside: he still had his soulful nature enamoured to the beautiful Paradise left behind. Death and Dying did not form the part. His shattered life was made up for all the good which was destroyed by his sin. It is for this reason; I make my case against King Solomon's dark take on life. To everything there is...