Too Much Of Anything Is Nothing! I heard them say, don’t believe everything you hear or see. Always take everything with a pinch of salt. I thought every time people pour salt over something that thing must be ready for consumption. All consumers are believers. You can’t consume anything you don’t believe in. Hey kid, another thing! Always take everything in moderation . It’s always hard to moderate yourself when you’re enjoying a delicious thing! Heaven help us all! I just can’t put the lid back on this yoghurt...damn, it tastes so so delicious! Someone please, help me stop devouring this vanilla ice cream? I believe I have exceeded that moderation limit they warned me about! Too much of anything is nothing! Just when is anything regarded to be too much? Could someone please lend me a scale to measure what amount of nothing I’ve already washed down my throat! When I was a little boy I used to sin a lot when it comes to too much! I used to gobble down almost h...