
Showing posts from October, 2023


  The Failing International Peace Agenda! The United Nations is an Intergovernmental Organization whose Stated Purposes are to maintain International Peace and Security. To Develop Friendly Relations among Nations, achieve International Cooperation, and serve as a Centre for Harmonizing the Actions of Nations. Every peace loving human being upon the face of the earth can embrace this UN Charter and make it their own. The world’s lack and need for Peace, is the most important missing link which has been eluding the world for thousands of years. The UN was founded on June 26 th in 1945 after the WWII. There was much jubilation and stirred hope for peace when this Intergovernmental Organization was formed. But alas, the celebrations didn’t last long as wars continued unabated despite the best intentions of the UN. There were no less than 39 wars globally between 1945 and 1949. It is shocking to say the least, that despite all the trauma and loss of life brought to...


  Me Against The World! We all live in the world of unreasonable expectations, endless innuendos and projections of lies! What you see isn’t always what you get! With the AI taking over, it’ll be almost impossible to tell the real from the fake. For others in order to survive, squeezing themselves inside the behavioural mould configured by the rich and the powerful.. is the only way! For the defiant, standing on their chosen principles and remaining steadfast in their commitment to justice, equity and peace... is their passion! It’s me against the world when it comes to personal choices. I find it hard and impossible to keep my life and attitude in line with over 8 billion souls in this world. I can’t imagine myself twisting and imitating everybody in the name of class and conformity. My life down here is limited 100% to my heartbeat! It was my sunrise when I breathed for the very first time and will be my sunset when I breathe my last! Life is too fragile for m...


  New Year’s Eve Torture! Every year I’m forced by the calendar to reflect on my immediate future looming in just 24hrs... I keep thinking! What in the world is the new year going to give me? I always look forward to surviving the flaming swords. These whatabouts are more than I can bear! God gives each person, enough time of more than 61000 hours per year to find out what exactly we want in our limited lives. Some people survives and count their money. Others sheepishly withdraw to their sad corners and lick their wounds! Hey. What the hell happened to all the luck allotted to my timeline? Different strokes for different folks! The difference is what decides the kind of stroke you end up with at the end of your day! New Year’s Eve Torture! There’s nothing I hate in a year like the Festive Season! Sometimes I wish I could just hibernate and sleep it off! Crazy Festive Season.... Damn! Midnight November 30... Goodnight everybody, I’m going to sleep! See you all...


  This Jesus You Crucified! And when they had set them in the midst they asked. By what Power or by what Name have ye done this? In the history of the Beginning of the Church, we find the High Priests interrogating Apostles Peter and John.   It’d have made more sense had the Priesthood led worshippers in celebrating this self-evident miracle performed at the Temple Gates. But instead, these wicked priests decided to question God’s Power! What a pity! If they had acted real, these guys would have even gone as far as renaming the Beautiful Gate after Peter and John. O Praise God! Isn’t amazing that you could still feel the Power and the Presence of God, in their angry words? It was hard for these unbelieving hypocrites not to regard this phenomenon as a miracle! By what power and by what name have you done this miracle? These religious fools asked and demanded as if it was a crime to perform miracles. Remember, just less than 100 days earlier, the same religi...


  One Of A Kind! Years ago I heard a preacher say, if two of us are identical then one isn’t necessary! True that. Do you agree? But one might ask... What about twins, aren’t they identical? Well, twins look alike but never identical! Each and everyone is unique to self and represents nobody else! Science has yet to discover two different persons sharing the same set of identical fingerprints! From Adam the first earthling down to the latest baby delivered thirty seconds ago. No two different individuals in this life share the same fingerprints. One of a kind is all you and I are made out to be. Even conjoined twins have two separate personas and unique identities. These guys only share their meshed up bodies. Did you know that each human being has a unique biological scent that’s different from the eight billion souls occupying this universe? You see, I thought it’d be expedient to highlight these basic facts about our bodies. The bottom line is, we’re all hu...


  Echoes Of Talking Winds! While many people lightly regard the wind as just another natural phenomenon, there’s more than meet the ears within the wind. In this world of ours we have the gravity driven oxygen in the atmosphere, all life forms can’t survive without this! The wind is more than just oxygen blowing faster in a whirlwind like fashion as witnessed and felt under heavy fast moving clouds. Question. What happens to the sound of our voices after we’ve pronounced whatever words or sounds uttered? Echoes of talking winds. Every sound or words uttered through our lips get carried by the wind and delivered back to the ocean! Like all rivers flowing back into the ocean where our waters originate. Every sound and words uttered get carried by the wind back to the ocean! Hello. The ocean is the mother of all life. This world owes its existence to the many waters upon which God created the earth. All types of weather climes originate from within the ocean. The wat...


  Hush-Hush...Hoosh-Hoosh People! In this crazy life of ours, some things are not to be heard but seen. Your natural reaction to these unnatural expectations is usually one of disaster! You stand corrected. Sometimes, nature and what’s deemed natural depends on one’s cultural upbringing. Geographical locations cannot dictate or predict the prescribed behaviour! This therefore precludes, that a community can be regarded as such when the same people share   common space. This is where a definitive culture thrives based on a singular communal approval. Hush-hush Hoosh-hoosh people is a melting pot of different and colliding cultural colours! You get hush-hush after you raised your voice when everyone was expected to take a moment of silence! Some people in public spaces will hoosh-hoosh you when they feel completely lost about your next unpredictable move! Hey. Could someone please tell me why nobody laughed at my popular joke? Not all jokes are a joke to some...


  This Is Your Life! Job said. If I justify myself mine own mouth shall condemn me. If I say I am perfect, it shall also prove me perverse. Guilty as charged! You are guilty as your are and as you feel from your own conscience. Guilt is a matter of the heart and not your mental cognisance. This is how God rolls! At the Judgment Day, God by His Spirit, will speak to your life and not your mind. Remember, your heart works like a computer hard drive? It keeps and registers all the actions and activities of your heart...your words, thoughts and footprints! This is your life, God the Judge will say these words to each and everyone of us standing in front of the Judgment Seat of Christ. This is your life! Your life and mine is always in a continuous present tense. In case you don’t know this. There is no shadow of turning with God! God the Almighty is timeless, with Him it’s always Today; there’s no Tomorrow in His Eternal Space! We mortals, are the ones who are the ...


    To All My Departed Sisters! When I was born there were four big sisters waiting at the helm to receive and welcome me. Most babies are not so lucky... to be waited upon by four loving and dedicated matrons at their birth. It fills this old and tired heart of mine with sweet memories to know that all my sisters were all smiles and excited about my arrival. To All My Four Loving Sisters.. here’s a big up to you. Thank you for all the love and the utmost care you gave to me as a baby and throughout my childhood! You took care of this boy and showed me around the corridors of life! Where would I be today without your cheerful smiles and loving eyes? To My Departed Sisters... Zodwa, Makhulu and Lala! I miss you from the bottom of my heart. You girls gave me love and cared for this heart of mine. You became my hope and security when Mom left me for Heaven at eight years old! To Maureen my Living Legend and the only surviving big sister... You know my heart bea...


  To Every Girl Child! Every time I meet a baby in the arms or on the back of their mothers... I want to kiss and hold them closer to my heart. There’s something special about babies and children. I have a particularly soft heart towards a girl child. Hello Beautiful. My own mother was as little as you are once upon her life. The little two year old angel chuckled and smiled back. I met her touring the mall with her mother. I owe my roots, my life to every girl child upon the face of the earth. It’s hard for me to believe that my mother once played naked and barefoot in Swaziland as a little girl. My grandparents took care of my mother from conception through childhood right into a fully independent grown-up. Would you believe me if I told you that all that time my mother played with sand and mud houses; she was carrying me all around inside her?   Oh God! Only if all men and their boys could understand and grasp this truth for future generations... T hat...