Fallen Inside The Crevices Of Time!

Fallen Inside The Crevices Of Time! Time in our Universe is the heartbeat and lifeblood for all men, beasts, the Cosmos, and all life forms, animate and inanimate: surrounding our world of existence. We owe every fibber of our being to Time which constantly monitors our everyday movements and assures us through vision and all the five senses, our life and presence still counts for real. Time is invisible to all and yet nobody can survive outside her mighty arms because she determines the number of our days on Earth. Our sunset and our sunrise entirely depend on Time. Mother Nature in all her majestic strides yields and submits to the Arms of Time. Without Time there’s no within and without. I looked at my clock on the wall and the date in my calendar when my heart kept saying: I’ve got to go and see my brother! My mind thought otherwise after checking the status and nature of that same day my brother passed away. Naturally as you know it, it’ll be hard to find him hom...