
Fallen Inside The Crevices Of Time!

Fallen Inside The Crevices Of Time! Time in our Universe is the heartbeat and lifeblood for all men, beasts, the Cosmos, and all life forms, animate and inanimate: surrounding our world of existence. We owe every fibber of our being to Time which constantly monitors our everyday movements and assures us through vision and all the five senses, our life and presence still counts for real. Time is invisible to all and yet nobody can survive outside her mighty arms because she determines the number of our days on Earth. Our sunset and our sunrise entirely depend on Time. Mother Nature in all her majestic strides yields and submits to the Arms of Time. Without Time there’s no within and without. I looked at my clock on the wall and the date in my calendar when my heart kept saying: I’ve got to go and see my brother! My mind thought otherwise after checking the status and nature of that same day my brother passed away. Naturally as you know it, it’ll be hard to find him hom...

Hey Preacher, We Pay And You Dance!

  Hey Preacher, We Pay And You Dance! The Church has taken a warped turn in every sphere of her existence, shocking! Class, like cancer is killing our fear for God, we’re dying and eaten alive by this cankerworm of pride. We can let you join our club if you’ll show us your social status card. Many proud people aren’t even aware they suffer from this silent malignant cancer! The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, who shall bring me down to the ground? Hey Preacher Man, we pay you to dance for us. It’s us who pay the pipers and all the music played in this church comes at our discretion! The music and the symphony heard across these walls is meant for our entertainment! Please spare us your Hellfire message and tell us that Jesus loves us, no matter what we do! Life is happening now this side of the grave; no one has any idea what’s going on over there! Do not scare our elit...

I’ll Let You Preach In My Church!

  I’ll Let You Preach In My Church! In the beginning of the Early Church, there were thousands upon thousands of Believers everywhere, why? Because the LORD added daily such as should be saved! Did they have buildings of mortar and bricks to worship in? No! They used their homes as places of fellowship, breaking bread in unity from house to house and having favour with God and with men. There was the real Love of God in their midst, nobody lacked anything or went hungry. The Real Apostles made sure all the monies offered were used to feed the poor and to finance the preaching of the Gospel! What happened to the True Body of Christ two thousand years later? Some crafty and scheming individuals invented the doctrines of devils and turned the people away from the real Doctrine of Oneness as Christ taught His Apostles. These false teachers came with all sorts of unbiblical doctrines which put them on the pedestal as little gods to be served and worshipped by the church! The peo...

The Last Apostle!

  COMMENTS! For the past three days or so, I have been trying to put together my next rendition after having composed about four narratives.  Oh God, did I battle! It's hard for me to pass on something to my audience without having the witness of the Spirit in my heart.  I could have and would have, but my heart just couldn't connect with the atmosphere I was under. Yea, after battling another two hours or so today, I finally gave up and said to myself: I'll have to wait for the Spirit to move otherwise.  As I was winding down, I played this marvellous track by Kirk Whalum. N.E. Wind; but then and suddenly: the words, The Last Apostle landed in my heart. Wow, this is it, Lord!  I archived all the other four compositions and saved them for another day.  Sometimes I delete up to seven or eight stanzas and start all over again without any care in the world.  After all, God gave me these Thoughts and these Words to play with the rest of my life. Therefore,...


  The Finish Line! Believe it or not, life begins and ends up with a race. Our days on Earth have been predetermined by God. Most people would celebrate their sunset and sunrise as if it were their last moments and day in this world if they knew this secret! Breathing in and out, will not be taken for granted, we can learn a lot from those among us who suffer from asthma! There is wisdom in learning to count our lucky stars because every single day added by the hands of time: counts for blessings from God Above. Our life on Earth is a miracle right at the moment of conception. This is the same impact Mother Nature expects us to approach all the challenges we face and encounter daily. Changes in our lives, whether good or bad; serve to remind us of the incredible nine-month journey of tossing and turning inside our mothers’ womb it took to land on these earthly shores. Life is a finish line from conception to birth. Life is a race from the cradle to the grave. We’d have been...

But Seriously…

  FOREWORD... In case you find my essay a little rough and hard to ingest, please understand, that I'm not dealing with the words of men but the Word of God. Everything I say or write about has been weighed and balanced by the Truth of the Word of God: I will never deceive you to believe a lie and a false doctrine. I have been telling you through my Poems and Essays in these Pages of Life; that there's only One Doctrine in the whole New Testament Bible: The Doctrine of Christ. Others have been consumed by denominations: I'm Pentecostal, Baptist, Adventist, Charismatic, Evangelical, Methodist, Anglican, etc. Hello, I'm neither of any of the above listed colours since I regard myself simply: a believer in Christ. I wear no colours devised by men and affiliate to no man-made doctrines which divide us from other Brethren giving us the false image; we're the most preferred by God Above! What about shouting the names of other preachers in public after painting them with a...


 COMMENTS It's always amazing for me to find myself in awe of the LORD, just how God makes things work out to my own good. Believe it or not, I wrote this essay the day after my brother passed on. If you'd ask me how I do it, the answer is. I don't know! All I can say to you is that God just drop a verse, a thought or just a a line and I take from there. I need to be vigilant and quick before I lose the idea behind the thought. I dedicate this essay to my departed brother, Mhlangabezi Welcome Gutyungwa. This time around, you need to remember the Scriptures as always, in order to follow my narrative. All my writings are based on my knowledge and dedication to the Word of God... I thank Him for all the wisdom and the revelation I receive from Heaven Above! Please enjoy this humble presentation from a man with no name... me!   LET'S GO! One fine evening in Iraq, and in the dead of the night… a seventy-five-year-old man was snoring heavily: resting after a gruesome and de...