Hugs And Kisses!
Incredibly... last night while I slept, I had a dream where I saw my guardian angel with his back turned.
It was fascinating albeit without seeing his heavenly keeper who had been assigned to guard me from day one I was conceived.
I am fixated to the East and getting ready to channel you back to your Eternal Home... My guardian angel said to me.
Be reliably informed that your days on earth will end in seven days starting from the full moon tomorrow.
Waking up from this Heavenly Dream left my heart with the peace of mind... and the lightest headedness I had never felt before.
What now... and where do I start preparing for this formiddable final day I could feel every ticking second syncing with every beat of my heart!
Hugs and kisses... Yes, aargh yes... there it is! Hugs and kisses and my final goodbyes to the world which carried me on her shoulders... for decades!
Like you can never imagine as human as you are... the joy and happiness which filled my heart and soul.
I felt like I was standing on top of the world and riding fearlessly upon the fiercest torrents alone across the ocean!
For the first time in my life... I felt the gentle hand of Mother Nature rubbing my shoulders as if to say...
Congratulations Sydney... for reaching this pivotal moment in your life, a rare privilege indeed!
Powerful ancient kings and renowned emperors... never lived to see this day Heaven has set apart for you!
Hugs and kisses... kept ringing and pounding my heart with so much alertness I had never determined before.
For starters as the Lord lives! I want to kneel and kiss the ground under my feet... never once did I get sucked under... courtesy of Mother Earth!
What can I say to the faithful sun which kept my feet in the right path every day? Is there any way I could say...
Thank you for the healing sunrays which emblazoned my mornings.
What price can I pay for the stars and the moon, my double agents... in return for taking turns looking after me while I slept.
What about the four winds... my wise teachers and inspiration for all the words and thoughts they whispered to my ears?
Hugs and kisses and sweet heavenly goodbyes.
What a privilege to know Heaven is satisfied! I have fought all my wars and stood the test of time through it all!
Like every man born of a woman... I had my fallouts with fellow men and sinned against God more than I can remember.
And yet God... with outstretched arms reaches out and welcomes me like I have never upset Him once in my life!
Only if I could stretch my arms and hug the blue skies for the atmosphere which helped me to breathe.
Hugs and kisses... to the dark and grey fearsome clouds which watered my world with priceless rains.
All hail to the majestic thunder and lightning... reminding me God is still in charge!
How can I forget the dark nights which allowed my heart to dream... There is light and life in the dark where I was conceived.
Hugs and kisses to the greatest of all human beings... My mother and father from whose love I was created and born.
Hugs and kisses all round for my loves and mothers of my Ch I L D R EN.... Thembi and Gabi... You own my heart!
I cannot payback the love and guidance received from my big brother and four sisters... who raised me.
Who and what am I? Without all my teachers I am nothing...but an imbecile.
Hugs and kisses to all the great musicians who shared their gifts with me and the world!
Time fails me to shake hands with the trees and mountains. Beautiful rivers and valleys... singing birds and animals.
Hugs and kisses for all the laughter and smiles I received from everyone and everywhere...
I thank God for the greatest gift He has given me... the gift of life...
Mercy Lord!
Looking back over my shoulders I can see nothing... but the tracks of God’s Love and His grace over the years gone by!
Indeed... The Lord has been good to me! I’ve been to Hell and back as the Fugitive of His grace... But God.
I want to cry hugs and kisses now...
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